
The Duncairn

Putting arts at the heart of North Belfast since 2014, come and see what’s going on in Belfast’s Cultural Quarter!

New community garden in progress

New community garden in progress

Our community garden project has officially started!

Last month Belfast Harbour has generously awarded the Duncairn financial support through their Community Awards scheme to transform the green areas around the building into a colourful sensory garden for the whole community to enjoy. This week, our CEO Rev. Bill Shaw has welcomed Corporate Affairs and Engagement Director, Allison Dowling from Belfast Harbour to officially get the project going with some help from the community and Duncairn’s staff.

We are looking forward to create a small urban oasis in this area of North Belfast, where people of ages and communities can enjoy, sit down and literally smell the flowers! With nature in mind, we hope to create a colourful and aromatic space that will attract insects and birds. At the same time, people will also benefit and be able to take home herb cuttings.

Flowers being watered

Little by little you will notice the transformation as we add splashes of colour, flowers, aromatic plants and herbs.

We hope you are as excited as we are to complete this project!

Creative evaluation - two Duncairn poems

Creative evaluation - two Duncairn poems

Welcoming our new Writer in Residence

Welcoming our new Writer in Residence